
You’re not alone.

You’re not broken and you are enough.

You don’t always have to feel this way.

I needed someone like me when I was stuck, especially as a teenager and that is why I became a coach.

Pretty simple really”.

Are you picking up behaviour points at school, are you often late or behind with your homework constantly?

Teenager stressed during exam

Do you feel like you avoid social situations and worry that you don’t fit in or know how to behave?

Overwhelmed with the pressure of school life, feel like everyone else seems to understand and can focus?

Lose or forget important stuff all of the time?

Make friends easily but struggle to maintain friendships and replay moments in your head and worry you’ve messed up somehow?

Do you listen to a song on repeat for weeks on end then suddenly can’t listen to it again?

Often get accused of not listening?

Are you struggling to find any motivation to study and do your homework or even if you do you quickly get distracted and lose track of time?

Find it difficult to be awake at school but can’t get to sleep at night with a busy brain?

Feel that no matter how hard you try you are somehow falling behind?

How many did you nod along with?

Every question above is based on actual conversations I have had with teenagers I have supported. Most of them are exactly how I have felt at different stages in my life too.

I can still remember the confusion and if I can support any young person who is feeling the same way as I did then I am doing what really matters to me.