ADHD Coaching
Don’t believe in yourself?
That’s ok and I remember that feeling well.
It’s also no surprise you may feel that way.
So, first we acknowledge it, but we don’t get stuck there.
But I already believe in you and ADHD Coaching will help you to believe in yourself.
Are you feeling stuck, uncertain of your next move, or have a goal but struggling to start or stay focussed on it?
I could help you with all of this and more!
Have you been diagnosed with ADHD and left unsure what to do next? Are you self-diagnosed/identifying, or just curious about ADHD and how it could relate to some of your traits or struggles?
My coaching differs from life or career coaching in that it is tailored to those with ADHD (or such traits) and gets underneath the differences in executive functioning and unique challenges this brings.
I have lived experienced of ADHD, and of navigating life, work, relationships, and parenthood through this lens.
I will create a dedicated, safe space for you to work through your thoughts. Take some time each time we meet to pause, reflect, and take action with my support.
Coaching focuses on forward-looking, action-oriented goals, rather than dwelling in the past. We can absolutely use our past and I will certainly validate your need to understand but with a view to taking control and making life long changes.
ADHD coaching can provide clarity as to why you may have struggled in the past. Tailored support focuses on executive functioning challenges, enabling you to access your unique approaches that will work for you.
I have trained with ADHD Works, and our method has evolved from their Executive Functioning Framework, which recognises that there can be an up-to-30% development delay in Executive Functioning skills for those with ADHD. This means that other forms of life or career coaching won’t always work for people with ADHD.
Areas of executive functioning include:
• Self- awareness
• Motivation
• Impulsivity
• Emotional Regulation
I will help you to identify where you might be hitting challenges with these, and will equip you with tools and techniques to explore these further and ultimately take action to mitigate and manage them.
After completing a course of coaching, I’d expect that you could apply your new-found toolkit to everyday life, and situations that may arise.
Coaching is an exploration of, and investment in, yourself.