Why are You here?
If you personally feel any of the following describes you, whether you are officially “diagnosed”, or not…
You may be:
Overwhelmed and tired, struggling to feel relaxed without guilt.
Are you unable to stay organised and ensure that you pay bills on time, remember appointments and maintain your life administration and that of your household.
Are you a born people pleaser that just can’t say no.
Lost and feel like you don’t fit in or feel as though everyone else makes juggling multiple responsibilities look easy.
Maybe you are heading for burnout in your work life and you are unable to identify how to make changes that will have a positive impact.
Struggling with imposter syndrome.
Struggling to make a big change.
Lacking direction or know what you want to do but can’t decide how to go about it so simply keep ignoring your needs.
Are you a parent and feel completely overwhelmed with the responsibility of other demands such as work, maybe you have other family members such as parents who are needing more from you.
Are you maybe behaving impulsively taking up new hobbies or regimes that you soon afterwards find you can’t maintain or lose motivation. Maybe you shop impulsively and have suffered financially as a consequence.
Worried about your future or that of someone else.
Feel like you’ve lost your motivation and zest for life.
Hormones may be bringing previous struggles to the surface.
Do you struggle to maintain any type of relationship in the long term due to expressing emotions or being reliable no matter how hard you try.
The Big one; are you hiding your real self (if you can even remember that person) for fear of being found out.
Do you feel that you have been mis-diagnosed with depression or anxiety but regardless of medication or intervention you have never felt any improvement with the quality of you life (historically women in particular with ADHD have been wrongly diagnosed as all research was based on young boys).